Friday, November 28, 2008

The Lost Spy

Started reading a new book today called The Lost Spy: An American In Stalin's Secret Service. It's written by the same guy who wrote one of the last books I read, Black Earth, and so far its a really cool book. It basically a spy story about some guy who betrayed the US and went overseas to become a Russian Agent. I guess he eventually got caught and rotted away in the gulags, but the book tells all of what happened in between in a very unique way. If you like spy thrillers, read this book. It's all true and paints a really cool picture of what the political climate was like in the US and Europe right after World War 1 and just before World War 2. Otherwise just keep watching re-runs of Friends and drinking your Venti Mochachino Latte's from Starbucks like the automaton you probably are.
Yes, I Am Still On That Russian History Kick

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