Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pasadena Marathon Update - The Route Is Set!

I can't believe that I almost forgot to register for the 1st ever Pasadena Marathon!!! If it wasn't for the flyer I got in the mail yesterday I probably would have been shit out of luck. This morning I logged on to register, and probably snagged one of the last spots available. I guess registration had been closed already, but they just opened up a few more slots yesterday for people who want to bike the marathon, run the half marathon, or run the 5k. So basically I'm going to bike the marathon, which sounds way more fun anyways. Hopefully by this time next year my feet will be fully healed from a string of basketball related injuries, and I can start running full force again and maybe run it. We shall see...
Looks Like Fun!

1 comment: said...

Good luck trying to walk after this! LOL!