Thursday, February 12, 2009


If you were a child of the 80s like I was, then chances are you probably were a fan of the WWF at one point or another. With ridiculous characters such as Randy "The Macho Man" Savage, Ravishing Rick Rude, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, and the Ultimate Warrior constantly pummeling each other and doing all sorts of crazy antics, how could you not love it? I guess my interest in WWF and wrestling in general started to dwindle as I was going into high school, but still I always had an appreciation for what I thought of as WWFs heyday. To this day, I still crack up every time I see an old Ultimate Warrior or Macho Man WWF promo on youtube, and I still even talk about some of the ridiculous events that happened in the mid 80s like Roddy Piper and Rick Rude's epic steel cage match where they both racked their nuts about 5 times a piece before one of them finally climbed out of the cage and won the match. Ah... the memories. Anyway, it just so happened that a few months ago Bret "The Hitman" Hart came out with a book called... you guessed it... Hitman. Well actually the full title is Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World Of Wrestling. The funny thing is that I was NEVER a fan of Bret "The Hitman" Hart, Jim "The Anvil" Neighthardt, Jimmy Hart, Owen Hart, or any member of the The Hart Foundation for that matter. In fact, I HATED these guys. However, this book seemed appealing to read. Why you ask? Well mainly because it dealt with the era of WWF and wrestling in general that I used to be interested in, but also because this book wasn't another Vince McMahon sanctioned piece of crap that the WWF released to glorify and promote itself. If I read about wrestling I want to know the dirt! Like why did Rick Rude drop dead of a heart attack, how did Jake The Snake become a crack head, how much 'roids was everyone doing, and what it was like backstage and all that. So far Im about 100 pages in and it's delivering as promised. Also it has given me a new appreciation for Bret Hart and the work he did back in the day. So to make a long story short, read this book if you used to like the WWF when you were a kid. It will take you for an Irish Whip down memory lane and then knock your socks off like being on the wrong end of Earthquake's finishing move...
The 80s Were Soooooo Ridiculous!

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