Wednesday, July 16, 2008

China Scares Me

While on vacation I read several books, one of which really stood out. It's a book called The Corpse Walker and is written by Liao Yiwu, a Chinese Poet and Human Rights activist who happens to be big on the Chinese Government's shit list. Anyways, it is filled with 27 or so stories/ interviews with people from the "undesirable" classes and professions in Chinese Society, and it really packs a punch. Let me just say that you can thank your lucky stars that you didn't have to go through Mao's Cultural Revolution or the Great Leap Forward, because if you did you would probably be dead right now. People lost all of their possessions and wealth, were subject to mob justice and executions without trial, resorted to cannibalizing their own children so they wouldn't starve to death, and much much more... If that sounds interesting to you and you don't get depressed too easily I suggest you check this book out. It's very very interesting and informative, and made me a little more cautious about wanting to ever visit China.
Read It And Weep

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I might be going to China soon, maybe this means I shouldn't?