Saturday, January 24, 2009

The War

It took us a couple of weeks, but my fiance and I just finished up The War, by Ken Burns. This is kind of an understatement, but it was great! It was also pretty depressing at times, but being a fan of history, WW2, and great documentaries in general, I didn't let it get me too down. The situations that many of the people narrating the film found themselves in were just too mind boggling to comprehend. In some situations it was just a given that over 50% of the men were going to be killed on arrival, and they just had to deal with it. Anyways I could go on and on about specific stories and memorable moments in The War, but my recounting just wouldn't do them any justice. One thing is for sure though, I really want to talk to my Grandparents after watching this to see what stories they might have. My Grandpa was a Navy Pilot in the south Pacific, and had 6 other brothers who were in the service, and my Fiance's late great uncle served in the 442nd Batallion, so I am sure they have some crazy tales to tell! Despite being almost $100 for the DVD set, i managed to find it used for about half that, which is still a bit steep but well worth it for the hours of entertainment and knowledge of history that it gives you.
I Wonder How Many Of Them Made It Back...

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