Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I started reading this book today, after renting it from the library about a month ago and taking it back without even opening it after I found out that Mick Wall wrote it. For those of you who remember, Mick Wall was a writer at Kerrang! magazine back in the day that royally pissed Axl off enough to the point that he recorded a song on Use Your Illusions II dissing him and other journalists that were on his shit list. Anyways, I'm giving it a second chance based on the high marks a drunken burnout construction worker I met at a party this weekend gave it. And surprisingly enough he was right. It is a great book. I reccommend it to any fans of GNR. It is a perfect followup read for the Slash book (and I highly reccommend that book also).
Yes It's Written By Mick Wall aka The Guy Axl Dissed on Get In The Ring

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