Friday, March 5, 2010


So far he's 2 for 2... Neverwhere was the second book in a row that I've read by Neil Gaiman, and simply put, it was awesome. So awesome in fact that I managed to read all 350+ pages of it in just a couple of days even though I have a ton of other crap I should be doing with my free time. I'm not sure how he manages to come up with this stuff, but Neil Gaiman's writing is so chocked full of unique characters, creepy legends, mysterious places, and humorous little details, that he makes me feel the way I did as a kid when I read anything by Roald Dahl (one of my all time favorites). I don't know what else to say besides that there just seems to be some magical element that he is able to capture and put down on paper unlike any other author I've read before.
Who Knew That There Was A London Above And A London Below?

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