Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stupid Face

Last night my fiance and I met up with our friend Kurt down in Echo Park at the 2 Headed Horse Studios. We were there to attend the season 2 premiere party for a show called Stupid Face. Despite watching Fuel TV quite often, I had never heard of the show, mainly because it's on at odd hours late in the night. I'm glad we went though because it was hilarious. Stupid face is just a bunch of super random clips starring re-occurring characters that are just to outlandish to describe. One cool thing though is that it stars Laban Pheidias a former pro skater who was pretty badass back in the day, but who has since moved on to much stranger things like this show. Another cool thing was that while at the premiere I did some networking and made some great new contacts.
One Of My New Favorite Shows

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